Q: What is you business hours ?
A: Our office is open daily from 08.00 - 19.00 hrs. But for your convenience, you can pick up and drop off the rental car any time (for advance booking).
Q: Do you have branches in other provinces ?
A: No, we have only one office, which is in Phuket town. Anyway, we can give you a pick up and drop off service to nearly all locations in Phuket island.
We can also offer you a one-way rental to nearby provinces. Delivery or collection charge may apply for one-way rental service.
Q: How long have you been in car rental business ?
A: Pure Car Rent was in the car rental business since 1974 (more than 40 years). And with our experience, we ensure all our customers to get the best services and rental cars from Pure Car Rent.